Our Mission

Your skin is the largest organ in your body- and the most visible. It performs a variety of vital functions, many of which we take for granted- such as keeping the important stuff in, and the bad stuff out! At Scum Soaps, we believe you need to be good to your integument- and it will be good to you.

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Is it spring already?

It seems that spring has come unusually early this "winter". And with no winter, I've had no rest! Many people have already begun looking to, and preparing for warmer weather. Scum is no different- we have been working on some HUGE things I am excited to announce probably sometime in April. One of those things, however, is a new-and-improved, better than ever bug repellant. We are also turning our bug repellant into a limited edition soap, pet shampoo, and maybe even as a powder!

Also, as we move into the spring and summer seasons you will find more publications about our products, ingredients, uses, tips, and other important information about us. We aim to uphold a 'transparent' relationship with our customers- meaning, nothing is hidden from the people who are trusting us. And this trust is the foundation of an ideal customer/business relationship.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scum Smarts

We finally released our Scum Smarts QR codes! The first one is available through our website- and expect a new one every month or so.

Scum Smarts are a fun and effective way to learn facts about your skin. The more you know, the better you can care for your skin! Check out our website www.scumsoaps.com to get smart now!